July 15, 2015

How To Balance Your Schedule Between Your MLM Business & Family Life

Wouldn't you love it, if the battle between your network marketing business and family life wasn't a battle?

I know right, I used to feel the exact same way and honestly it shouldn't be such a battle. I think depending on the type of MLM business you decide to get into, which we covered a couple of days ago, click here if you need to go back to it.

When I really started focusing on building my network marketing business in 2008, I was a married mother of 3 working a full-time job so when it comes to the excuse "no time" my photo was already in the dictionary smiling back at you!!

This post is not to share an EXACT schedule because let's be honest who's life is the same so there's no way for me to say do this and this and you'll also be successful. All I could do is share what worked for me and hopefully it can give you some ideas on what can work for you.

What I did and did so CONSISTENTLY was began working my business a couple of hours on the weekends and maybe once or twice during the week in the evenings. In the beginning IF I had to set up a business appointment after work I honestly tried to make sure that the appointment was a quick one so that I wouldn't get home so late to help the kids with homework, showers and most importantly before they went to bed for the evening.

I know the weekends can be sacred for some moms because these 2 days seems to be filled with our children's activities like soccer, baseball, or volleyball BUT sometimes I did have to sacrifice my weekends to work a network marketing to showcase my business. If I did have weekends that were filled with business activities I tried to make sure that the following weekend would be solely focused on the kids maybe doing like a dinner and movie.

The ONE thing that I wished I would of started from day 1 and I believe would of helped me grow even faster, is I wished I would of started advertising myself online. Let me tell you the moment I began getting orders online and recruits signing themselves up online, my business and life TOTALLY changed!!!

It actually took me 2 years to completely replace my full time job where I was able to totally walk away and enjoy life with my kids and I haven't honestly worried about my schedule ever since!! So the one takeaway I'd tell you is to take advantage of what your MLM company can help you do online so you can work on other business building activities like training your team or doing a 3-way call with a new prospect. Freeing up your time to spend more time with your family I'm sure if most of our goals so why not start working on that as quickly as you can from the very beginning.

Did these tips help you? If so, please feel free to comment or share today's post!

Lynette Bledsoe

PS. If you need help learning how to build your network marketing business online and would liek a step-by-step guide on how I was able to quit my job click here to learn about our "Creating An Online Presence For Beginners" training series.


  1. That balance between work and family is so important. We work for our families and want to enjoy the hear and now but its important to get that balance right and keep to our schedules. Thanks Lynette for sharing your experience with us

    1. Exactly right Lynda or else there will be total chaos lol thanks for the feedback!

  2. Hi Lynette,
    The one thing that really stuck out for me is the word "CONSISTENCY" Balancing your mlm and family is so important and the only way to do it is to have a daily consistent routine that you stick to so that you can, like you did, quit your day job and focus full time on your online biz! Really enjoyed your post! Thanks so much for sharing these tips :)

    1. Yes Joan I think we all understand and can relate to that one. Thank you so much for your feedback I definitely appreciate you taking the time out to comment and you're very welcome!

  3. Lynette I loved hearing how you got going and wow two years isn't very long, congrats! I don't have children but I do have people in my business who do and struggle with the same issues you did in the beginning. I know your story will help them. Thank you :)

    1. Thank you for enjoying my post today!! Yes it can happen very quickly for you as well and you DEFINITELY show consistency, I wish you much success in the future!!!

  4. Lynette, great post. All it's takes is consistency, patience and belief.

  5. I'm not even a mom yet and right now my main balance for family is finding time to spend with my boyfriend and my parents and brother. Weekly I visit my parents on Sundays so that one is pretty much set in stone, but my brother I usually only see if he happens to stop by my parents or we have a family obligation/event/vacation. And when my boyfriend and I schedule time to spend together that of course is always focused on him and us, but I will say I still find the balance between life and business difficult sometimes. I've come to trying to do things online most weeknights and weekends so that hopefully one day it will generate itself. I have already started having a bit of success with it with what I feel like the "little" I've done mostly thanks to advice from you and Gary and a couple other people I follow online so I can only imagine how that can grow. Great article about scheduling your time for your business just like any other work would be scheduled. :-)
