June 12, 2015

3 Tips To Make Your LinkedIn Page POP & Get More Leads

For many LinkedIn may not have been their first choice when it comes to sharing information or getting seen online. I know in my case, I've been on social media since 2000 and honestly was avoiding LinkedIn for a while because it seemed to only be a place for employers or spammers BUT I've been doing some research and found some great tips that have been working for me.
Before I share these tips, always remember to be yourself, most people can spot a phony a mile away.

3 Ways To Get Yourself Noticed On LinkedIn:

1. Make Your LinkedIn Profile POP - It all begins with your profile because guess what, before that connection is made, they are checking your page to see what you are all about. A profile that's scattered, poorly written or missing even something as little as your photo makes it looks like you didn't even take the time to put your page together and you will not show up in relevant searches. LinkedIn even helps you with steps to work on breaking those tasks down for you so take your time and really put some thought into your page. You can also increase your exposure by adding a background photo, details about volunteer work, or maybe certifications you have.
2. Be BOLD on LinkedIn Not Shy - A professional social network is definitely not the place to be shy at all, as a matter of fact the more connections you have the more people you can either impact or connect with for referrals. And don't worry about connecting with other business professionals or people in the same field you are in, obviously you have the same interests so making those type of connections can actually be beneficial to the both of you. 
3. Join LinkedIn Groups -  LinkedIn believes that their groups are the best place on their network to gather like minded people who exchange knowledge and learn from one another. There's more than 2 million groups on LinkedIn, so it's definitely a great way to not only learn from one another but connect with others in your same field. 
I truly hope that steps were useful to you, connect with me for tips in the future on LinkedIn. And last but not least have some fun, social media is about being your authentic self not someone else so show now is the time to brag about the greatness of YOU!!
Did these tips help you? If so feel free to comment and share them with your teammates!!

PS If You'd Like A More Indepth Blueprint On Some Scripts On How To Speak To Leads, Check This Out (Unless You Already Get Too Many Leads)  Click Here To Get Instant Access To Our Long Distance & Team Building Training 

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