I know I would!!
Over the years of my experience in network marketing, which is almost two decades, I've learned ALOT of what not to do and what to do. No matter where you are in your business there's always a time to learn or adjust the way you work the business so I hope that these 10 tips will create standard you can set for yourself to rock out your network marketing business and take it to the max!!
10 Tips To Being Successful In Your Network Marketing Company
- Let Go of The Ego. This one is a BIG one and had to be addressed first. We've seen this time and time again with new representatives and seasoned representatives and all I can say that being humble will get you everywhere. Being confident and humble actually compliment each other! Simply focus on yourself and not what others are doing because you're only competition is yourself.
- Stay Excited!!! We are in the business of PROMOTING, whether it's a meeting, conference call, a big convention and are what bring our business to the next level. Staying excited creates a vision in you and the people that you bring into the business that you are confident where the company is going and you are excited about how the company can do for their life. Belief and confidence are created or killed by the leader so make sure you are the leader creating the excitement in your business and not the other because this is why most teams EXPLODE.
- Be An Encourager. Awesome leaders are amazing at recognizing others on their accomplishments whether they are big or small ones. Most people work harder for praises than they do for raises so what are you praising your team on? It's funny people I've received many gifts, awards from leaders, our company etc but the ones that have meant the most to me have always been the ones that we personalized. For example, when we first joined our company a little over a month later I received a notification on Facebook and it was my upline who tagged us in a video from one of the mentors we had been following for years welcoming us into the business and stating that he looked forward to working with us. The video was only a couple of minutes long but boy I can tell you I couldn't sleep all night that night because I couldn't believe it at all and was very grateful to be apart of the group.
- Get Your Team Engaged! Great leaders know how to take the spotlight off of them and turn it over to their team. Create ways to get your team involved. If your team has a facebook maybe create a success story each week to recognize one of your representatives on their accomplishments for that week a little story about them. Share a tip from one of your representatives that has worked for them even if they aren't one of the top performers in your business.
- Education! Leaders are responsible for how much or how little your team knows. Don't rely on the company or anyone else to train your team, YOU take charge and teach them as soon as they join the business. Create a system for your team on what they should watch or do as soon as a new representative joins, Whatever system a new representative goes through she will duplicate and use the same process when she welcomes her new representatives so make sure it's easy to duplicate. If you think you need support of course ask your upline for assistance in the areas you need help with and I'm sure most leaders will support you or you can reach out and learn from systems in place who teach leaders techniques on what works. My husband and I have been using a training system which helps us learn how to use social media to get new leads, how to promote more leaders & how to make more money in commissions in our business. If you'd like to see what we use to see if it's a fit for you & your business CLICK HERE!
To read the the last 5 tips to being successful in your network marketing company CLICK HERE & my suggestion is print this page out so you can have it ready to show your new leaders once they've joined your business.
Did those tips help you? If so feel free to comment and share with your teammates!
Lynette Bledsoe
PS If You'd Like A More Indepth Blueprint On How To Use Social Media To Attract Top Prospects To YOU then CLICK HERE to get INSTANT Training On How Our 7 Figure Was Able To Do Just That!! (Ends 11/25 midnight)
This was powerful Lynette. Thank you for being so giving and gracious to others.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Sheryl!!! You are very giving and gracious to others too, keep giving us all VALUE!!! ;)
DeleteCan't wait for the next 5... Great post Lynette... thanks for sharing you rock....
ReplyDeleteThanks Deering, appreciate it
DeleteThanks for sharing Lynette and very good post and powerful to read
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Lynda
DeleteGreat tips Lynette looking forward to tomorrow's!
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt me too lol