June 22, 2015

5 Secret Sponsorship Steps To Get New Reps Off To A Fast Start

Wouldn't you love to know what to do after you've signed up your new representatives up to get them off to a fast start?

Ok so you're probably either sitting down with your new representative in her home or if she lives somewhere else you're doing this over the phone, either way this works!

On my previous posts we've already spoken how to create a contact list with your new rep  which you can use a memory jogger, contacts on social media etc and share success stories from our company so they could also use those and feel confident when they pick up the phone.

5 Secret Sponsorship Steps To Get New Reps Off To A Fast Start

  1. We sit down together or set up a time to make the initial calls to her list together. Having the sponsor by their side will always give them confidence and helps to keep accountability.
  2. It's always better for the new representative to make the initial calls sharing their story on why they got started and inviting that new prospect to learn more. They could use this line "I just got started and am so new but I'd love for my partner, Lynette, to share more. Do you have a sec to chat with her? This will also help me to learn how to share this with others so you're actually also doing me a BIG favor!" Then your new rep will share the sponsor's success story for edification.
  3. The next thing would be to get the friend/contact to the next event. What's the next event? You get them to the next event that's happening in your company so whether it's a local presentation, business launch event or next company event/training. If they live too far to attend a local event, have them attend an online presentation or call with your sponsor.
  4. Have the new representation provide their contact more information such as your company website, videos, or other tools that the company may provide to give the prospect as much info needed to make a decision.
  5. Last thing, 3-way telephone calls or a meeting so that they can learn and get their questions answered, take care of any objections they may have and get them started. If they've attended a local meeting and did not sign up there, set up a 3-way call with your upline to follow up with them. What we try to do is get them as a customer, representative or referrer who'll help keep their eyes and ears open to anyone that we could help. Now if they're not ready to commit and need to do more research, provide them with additional resources to look over because most of the time their research includes Google and honestly anyone can put misinformation about any company on Google and then invite them to the next event.

Remember the goal with those steps is to help make your new representative feel confident when reaching out to their list, be able to share their own story and show them how to start inviting those contacts to either the next event or 3-way call with their sponsor to help get their contacts started and also off to a fast start so they're making their fast start bonuses which most companies have so they're making money right away.

Did these tips help you? If so feel free to share them with your teams and feel free to comment below.

Lynette Bledsoe 

PS If You'd Like Some PROVEN Techniques To Attract TOP Prospects Using Social Media Then Make Sure To CLICK HERE To Learn From 7 Figure A Year Earner, Jessica Higdon, Who's Gonna Show You How She Did It!

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