June 18, 2015

5 Steps To Enrolling And Creating Duplication With Your New Representatives

So you've signed up your newest business partner into your network marketing company, what's next?

Now that you've attracted your new business partner into your network marketing company, don't you want to make sure that they get their business off to a FAST start so they start making money right away!! YEAH don't we all want that for them!!

After you've helped your new business partner choose the business package they are interested in starting off with and help them set up their website. You want to make sure you help your new prospect get their business to the profitable way possible so that they are maximizing the bonuses and compensation plans of your company and to make sure that they are set up to earn their commissions.

Before you begin the next steps make sure to celebrate and congratulate with them, they've just made a big decision and investment that many have said no to so make sure to show them the resources they can use right now to begin showing others. What I normally do is show them where a customer would go to get their service/product and where a prospect would go to either watch the opportunity video or go to get started.

So now it's time to dive into ACTION MODE!!

5 Steps To Enrolling And Creating Duplication With Your New Representatives

  1. Discuss the reason why they started their business. While you are discussing this with your new person also make sure you are writing this down on a sheet of paper because this will allow you to go back to reference their WHY if they ever begin to get discouraged.
  2. Work on what they will be saying to their friends and family when inviting them to learn more about the service/product.
  3. Talk about what they would like to achieve their first month in business? Explain any fast start bonuses or titles they could be going for their first months in business that the company may have.
  4. Steps 1-3 can be ALOT of information for a new person to take in  so you could give at least 2 days to follow up and see how they're doing with those steps first. It honestly depends on the person but the next step would be is to create their contact list so that he/she can begin inviting.
  5. Last but certainly not least set up their launch event. This launch event should take place no more than 1 week into her new business so that anyone she's spoken to over the phone can be invited to view a live presentation.
Creating that list and setting up their launch event are the two most important  things a new representative can do for their business because they'll see immediate success.

See you at the top!!!

Did these tips help you? If so feel free to share with your teams and comment below!!

Lynette Bledsoe

PS If You'd Like A More Indepth Blueprint On Some Scripts On How To Speak To Leads, Check This Out (Unless You Already Get Too Many Leads)  Click Here To Get Instant Access To Our Long Distance & Team Building Training  

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