June 3, 2015

9 Ways To Sign Up More Reps To Your MLM Opportunity

Would you like to know how to get more representatives to sign up to your MLM opportunity?

My email literally has been filled with the number one struggle leaders are having in their network marketing business and can you guess what that is

There are literally sponsors out there that seem to sign up anyone they come across and then there are those who struggle with that process, ever wonder why that is? After having having been in the network marketing industry since 1999 that there is a BIG difference between the ones who struggle and the ones who don't.

I think the difference is the posture the leaders take in their business and being able to easily overcome objections that prospects give them. 

I've compiled a couple of different ways to overcome some of the BIGGEST objections I've come across in my years in network marketing I'm sure after today you'll be overcome most objections that come your way to help you get more sign ups in your MLM business opportunity.

  • "What much does it cost to get started?" 
    • Your response can be something like this "All of our package options cost less than you pay for your family's cellphone bill and the benefits you'll receive with our package will save you even more money." Share the different packages options so they fully understand what comes with their start up kit/package because of course the highest package/kit is more than likely going to be the one that benefits them the most. 
  • "How does it really work? What exactly will I be doing in the business?"
    • "Simple, all we do is promote the awesome service/product that our company provides to it's customers.  You'll also be sharing your experiences of the service/products and share with your friends and family how it's worked for you or the results you've gotten from using the products. Our company offers some AWESOME training and we'll be here to teach you everything you need to know to get your business off to a FAST start."
  • "How do I make money in the company?"
    • "There's so many ways you can make money between the bonuses, compensation plans, and incentives I'll show you how to achieve each of them because I'm sure just like me, that's the main all of us joined the business, am I right?"
  • "I'm too busy to do this, I don't have enough time to do that!"
    • "Oh I definitely understand how you feel, actually I felt the exact same way when I first got started because I was working full-time and had 3 children to take care of but what I did when I first got started was work the business part-time . And don't worry that's not uncommon at all, we've noticed most of the successful leaders in our company started the exact same way."
  • "I don't have enough money to get started."
    • "I can definitely understand that is all the more reason to join us. What if I can show you a simple way to make the money back within your first month with our bonuses." If that doesn't work try and offer them other ideas on how they can save up for it.
  • "I'm not a sales type of person"
    • "AWESOME!! We're not looking for salesy type of people anyway so you'd be perfect!! I'm not even a sales person, all we do is share information so if you can share, you are the right person for us."
  • "I don't want to bother my family and friends."
    • "Well great, neither do I!!! All I do with them is share what I'm doing and see if they know of anyone who'd my service/product would be perfect for. Most times when you share an AWESOME service/product with your friends and family, if they see the benefit of it they'll tell you, 'Hey there, I'm actually interested'. Who doesn't love to share information about a great movie, local deal, or service so that's all we're doing when sharing something GREAT we just found."
  • "I need to try the service/product first."
    •  If you're in a products company of course send them a sample of one of your best products because if it's your best selling product, I'm sure they'll love it too. If you're in a service company share stories of difference success stories or companies who have used your service in the past and how it benefited them.
  • "Is this a pyramid."
    • In my many years of network marketing I don't know how many times I've heard this line but I've only been asked this one time. This is where your belief and posture needs to be solid as gold. I guess it's because my belief and posture are so firm in what I believe this business can do for someone I have not been questioned if it is a scam. Or you can also say "Pyramids are illegal and there aren't exchanges of services or products so this is definitely not one of those."  Then move on to the next question so it doesn't seem as if I'm taking offense.
Hope those tips helped you, my suggestion is that you print this page up to have it handy with you next time you come across objections in your MLM Opportunity.

Did these tips help you? If they did please feel free to comment and share below!

See you at the top!!

Lynette Bledsoe 

PS If You'd Like A More Indepth Blueprint On How To Sign Up How To Get More Leads For Your Business, Check This Out (Unless You Already Get Too Many Leads)  Click Here To Get Instant Access To Our Long Distance & Team Building Training

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