June 16, 2015

4 Ways To Close MLM Your Prospects To Your Network Marketing Company

Don't ya wish you knew what to say when to get people into your network marketing company?

Over the many years in network marketing I think these 4 ways will help you do just that!! Now if you haven't gone over my last post about closing check it out here  because it'll give you a great idea of where we're going today.

So based on your conversation with your prospect you'll figure out which approach you should take next so I'll go through the different type of scenarios you may come across.

4 Ways To Close MLM Your Prospects To Your Network Marketing Company 

  1. They Have A Genuine Interest In Hearing More About Your Service or Product
    1. To me this is my favorite part because they are actually telling you how to close them. What do I mean? Let's just say they say "Well I love how much money you can save using the service." You'd say "That's why I love the service too because the company has helped so many others save money as well." What I would do next is share success stories or videos on how the company has saved others money as well. Have her watch those stories and your next step would be to get her on the phone with a business partner to help get her next questions answered within 24-48 hours later or even that same day to help to close them. Or let's say they you both live in the same city, then I'd get them to the next event in your area as fast as possible so that they can see it in person which can be a POWERFUL thing because it'll create excitement in them.
  2. They Are Only Interested In The Service or Product
    1. This is quite fine and guess what my most successful leaders were people who've tried the product/service first. Find out which service or product line would be best to fit their needs and wants. At this point, I would walk them through the checkout process if not maybe schedule a time to walk them through that process as well. Offer them any benefits or freebies that they could get as a customer. For instance, in our company customers receive the same discounts as representatives do plus they have a way to have their membership waived. I'd walk them through any offers such as this so they could take advantage as soon as possible so they can reap the benefits of their new membership.
  3. They Agree To Helping You Give You Referrals. 
    1. Grab a pen and paper and get to writing that info fast, lol. Just kidding thank them for helping you and your business and try to get their name, email and phone number. I prefer calling to get the best possible results. I'd start with an email about the service/product and ask them to also share that email with any friends or family that may also be interested. Let them know about your referral rewards program which can actually be something your company does or maybe something you do yourself.
  4. They Are Not Interested At All
    1. Of course I'd thank them for taking the time out to hear you. If they're on any of your social media sites, I'd add them to my personal connections. Adding them to your social media sites allows them to watch you and how much fun you have with your service/product and how many people you may help. I'd still ask for referrals so that your contact list never runs dry. Follow up with them every so often to first see how things are going and maybe update them with any new news or exciting changes coming up in your company to see if timing is right for them now.
Now with all things whether they are or not interested the fortune is always in the follow up!! Following up can be something as simple as sending them an email to thank them for taking the time to sit with you to see what you're doing along with maybe a success story they may be able to relate to. You will always need to speak to new people so practice talking to people everyday and as you continue to do this you'll keep those new contacts coming your way.

Did these tips help you? If so feel free to share it with your teams and comment below!

Lynette Bledsoe

PS If You'd Like To Learn How 10 Minutes A Day On Instagram Can Add Over 150 Leads A Month For Free CLICK HERE 

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