Now, when was the last time you creating a list of contact? It's been a while right, well what I'd do if I were you is take a look at who you've met the last year whether by going through Facebook, your telephone contacts or do do an updated Memory Jogger. I'm sure your company probably has it's own memory jogger or just do a Google search for one. But think about all the people you probably come across with on a daily basis, your banker, neighbors, hair dresser, teachers, other parents etc and let them know what you do.
I know what you're thinking now, "What do I say???" well I think most of us think too much into this but basically what you'd be saying is "Hey, by the way, do you know anyone who needs to make some extra money part-time?" Now I'm sure you're probably wondering why don't I ask them directly??? The reason you don't want to ask your contacts directly is because most times people become defensive and say "No" right away before they even hear you out. When asking them indirectly you take the pressure off of them and get them thinking of who they might know. This way if they're interested themselves they'll say "Hey, what about me?"
Once you do find people who are interested in getting started or might be interested in getting started share how the company has changed your life. If you think that your story isn't that impressive or you're new to your company, share the success story of one of the top leaders in your company.
Remember your job is to invite and ask as many people as you can, "Do you know anyone who's looking to make some extra money part-time?" and those who are interested will say "Yes" right away!!!
Talk about sharing your opportunity with everyone, my husband made a video of just this for our team so I'd like to share this video with you and hopefully this will also give you some new ideas as you share your opportunity with the world!!
SHARE this post with your team if you learned something today!!
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