Welcome to Day 29 of the 30 Day Challenge to Rock Your Network Marketing Business! (It’s not too late to join us! Start your 30 days on whatever day you find this challenge! Start at Day 1 any time of the year).
Network marketing has fulfilled our dreams, and is also fulfilling the dreams of those we share our business with, as well as the children around the world that we bless with the resources and time our profession provides to us.
We recently moved into another state which has much warmer weather, thanks to network marketing. We have been able to visit so many different places throughout the United States inspiring so many who want more in their network marketing business, it is always such a great experience hearing all the stories.
All of the hard work, tears, rejection, “no’s”, over the past years were worth it. Our purpose and plan for our life is unfolding right before our eyes. It is beautiful to see our reason “WHY” in action.
Don’t give up on your dreams. Ever! And remember, it’s never too early or too late to passionately pursue your dreams! Go for your gold! We hope our training will help you take one more step toward your “why”! We have a LOT of exciting topics to share on the blog in the coming days, weeks, months, and years !
**SUPER BONUSES** If you'd like to learn from Two-Time Best-Selling Author and World Traveler, Ray Higdon will be hosting a private presentation sharing how you can stop paying retail on your travel, get Price Guaranteed Vacations that are Mind Blowing, Get around a Community of Supportive Fellow Travelers & Create more Memories and have more Peak Life Experiences so make sure to click REGISTER to CLAIM YOUR SPOT today!!! PLUS Don't forget to request your FREE copy of my bonus video on How to get new customers and leads for your network marketing business!!
Can My Team/ Future Teams Have Access to the 30 Day Challenge?
Many of you requested that I leave this challenge up for your team (and future team), and the answer is a resounding “YES”! The beauty of this challenge is that you can start at Day 1 anytime and see the results of your hard work soon after. I’m pleased to share this with you! It’s the perfect way to power start each month, and know what to do each day! Here’s the link to the entire 30 day challenge => Day 1 of our 30 Day Challenge
Let me hear from YOU today!!!
On this final day of our challenge, I come to you for “best practices”– tell me what you’d like to learn more about on the blog, in our upcoming training programs, etc. & PLEASE post your comments about the challenge below=> How did this help YOUR business or belief grow? Hearing from YOU would be the greatest gift . Love you guys! And please don't forget to share your comments on on my Fan page Lynette Bledsoe I'd love to hear all about your progress
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