September 16, 2010

Avon Skin Care Cards

So, if you’re an Avon Rep, you’ve probably heard plenty about using the new Avon Skin Care cards from your District Manager. If not, the cards have questions which you get your customer to answer and the column with the most checks shows which ANEW product line they should be using. The truth is I blew it off for a long time. I knew which product to recommend so what did I need the cards for?

Then my District Manager really got on me and made me fill a card out. Much to my surprise, I was using the wrong product, LOL! But I finally told her I would give it a try and use these cards with my customers. Much to my surprise they actually work!

When a customer comes to you and says they need a day cream or night cream, you could easily sell them the cream they want. But my experience has been that if I have them fill out the card, they are much more likely to purchase the entire line than just the day cream or night cream they needed. Somehow once they see it in writing that they should be using Reversalist, for instance, I hardly need to sell them on anything – they do the selling themselves! If you take a sample of the recommended product and rub it on the back on their hand it’s even more effective. …So your sale just went from $34 to $150 or more!

The cards are very inexpensive – just $0.25 for 5 (681-038) of them and well worth the cost. So if you haven’t tried them yet, order them on your next order and watch your sales go through the roof!